Compliance Check
Remote Assessment
VDR/Navigational Audit
Bridge team management and safe navigation practices are audited randomly or on a regular basis. The purpose of the subject service is to ensure that the ship is navigated safely and the bridge team acts in a safe manner at all times by following the COLREG and other relevant maritime conventions, regulations and best practices. Upon request, Behavioral Competency Assessment is also carried out. A detailed report is submitted by our experts enclosing potential findings, patterns, observed behaviors and suggestions for improvement.

Oil Record Book compliance
Regulatory compliance check of Oil Record Book Part I and Part II is performed randomly or on a regular time interval. The purpose of the subject service is to ensure that the records of the traditional paper Oil Record Book are in line with the MARPOL convention and industry’s best practices. Once all documents are in place, our maritime experts undertake to review the material and submit to the client a detailed report enclosing potential findings, suggestions, best practices and other useful information. We carry out 300+ ORB compliance check on a monthly basis.

FO Changeover
Fuel Oil Change Over Procedures followed by the ship and relevant records are audited by our experts. The purpose is to ensure that the ship has successfully changed over from heavy FO to LSFO/ULSFO whenever entering sensitive areas or in similar occasions whilst relevant records are in position to prove the aforementioned. A detailed report is submitted by our experts enclosing potential findings, patterns, uncommon practices and suggestions for improvement.

Rightship / PSC preparation
Various ship records and evidences via photographic material are reviewed by our maritime experts. The purpose is to ensure that the fleet is in compliance with the Rightship requirements as well as international rules and regulations. We audit familiarization and awareness of the crew members on their duties, ship operations, use of critical equipment, and the condition of safety equipment. In addition, the crew is invited to answer certain key questions that will in turn indicate the level of readiness and awareness for successfully going through a ship PSC or Rightship inspection process. A detailed report is submitted by our experts enclosing potential findings, patterns, uncommon practices and suggestions for improvement.

VDR, ECDIS & Passage Plan
Passage plan from ECDIS (printouts) and other relevant reports generated by ECDIS are reviewed by our maritime experts. The purpose is to ensure that the passage plan has been implemented by using the latest version and most updated material (charts etc.) and taking into consideration the warning and parameters for the intended voyage. In addition, the settings of the ECDIS and its use by the bridge team are audited. A detailed report is submitted by our experts enclosing potential findings, patterns, uncommon practices and suggestions for improvement.
Contact us for our compliance check services to learn how we can help you.